Friday, January 18, 2008

My electronic journal

I love to scrapbook. However, my oldest daughter is now almost 8 years old and I have yet to finish even one page to go in her scrapbook. I have just resigned myself to waiting until all my girls are in college to work on their scrapbooks. But, I am fearful that by then I will have forgotten everything. My brain is so scrambled now (I am convinced three pregnancies helped that along), I don't know if I will remember much by the time they are in college. My husband has also been a youth pastor at some of our churches, so we have thousands of pictures of kids. It's hard for me to remember all their names now. There's just no hope that I will remember them in fifteen years. So, I've decided to use my blog as my electronic journal. I will write about the incredible journey God is taking us on and (hopefully) all the things that I learn along the way.

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