Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Watching UFC with Jesus

I spent Saturday night, December 29, 2007, watching UFC with Jesus. You see, I’m a big UFC fan (Ultimate Fighting Championship). UFC is mixed martial arts or more commonly known as cage fighting. Now, before you freak out, please let me explain. There is some cage fighting out there that is brutal, but that is not UFC. UFC is a sport. It has LOTS of rules and regulations to protect the fighters. In my opinion, it is no more dangerous than boxing or even football (just more exciting). One thing that interests me about UFC is that one of the top fighters right now in the UFC is a Christian. And I don’t mean he gets up there after he wins and says, “Thank you, Jesus, for letting me beat the %$?@! out of this guy!” I mean, this guy wears Christians t-shirts and has a Bible verse covering the top of his website. You can even read his testimony. ( ) I think it’s also because when all the other little girls my age were taking gymnastics or dance, my parents put me in Taekwondo (which I loved!).
My husband and I like to go to a local restaurant where they show the pay-per-view fights for free. Instead of spending $50 to order the fights at home, we get to go have a nice meal together and watch the fights for around $25. I also particularly like this arrangement because we have to get there about two hours before the fight starts to get a seat and it gives me time to catch up with my husband.
That night, there were two other big games, so the restaurant was packed. We got a big table and thought that we should offer to share it. Before we had a chance, another couple asked us if they could sit with us. We said, “Sure!” Okay, here it comes. We introduce ourselves. Then all of the regular getting-to-know-people questions: “What do you do for a living? How long have you been married? Do you have any kids?” God busts the door wide open for us to share our testimony. You see my husband and I got married right out of high school. We were married for a year and a half and then divorced. We were divorced for three years and then my husband moved to Atlanta and came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He flew me down for a visit a few weeks later and at a Bible study I came to that saving faith and then we got remarried (to each other!). Meanwhile, back at the farm…my husband was contemplating what to say, knowing that it could make the rest of the evening awkward. Despite the potential for an uncomfortable atmosphere, my husband let the cat out of the bag.
Now, as crazy as you might be thinking my husband and I are, let me clear up a couple of things. First, my husband IS crazy. He has to be; he’s been a youth pastor and still is one at heart. Having worked with youth and teenagers, we’ve learned a lot of things. The biggest thing is to be real with people. We can’t reach people that can’t relate to us.
“To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” 1 Corinthians 9:20-22 NIV
Now, does that mean that we drink with these people at the UFC fight? Absolutely not. Do we use the language they use? No. But, do we act like we have it all together? No. Because we don’t. None of us do, and we just hurt each other (and lie) when we act like we do. We’re called to bear each other’s burdens, not hide them from each other.
“Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NASB
Instead of this couple reacting with disdain, they were quite receptive. So, we watched the fights, had a great time talking and left praising God, feeling like (and knowing that) He was right there with us. I would guess that 90% of our four hour conversation was about God and the church. How amazing!
At the end of the night my husband gives this guy his business card with the name and address of our church and invites him. We leave just hoping that we can meet with them again at another fight.
Tired from staying out a little too late, we go to church the next morning and share with our Sunday school class what happened. Fortunately, we are in a church that has a heart for people. At some of the other churches we’ve gone to, we would have been afraid to invite these people. They would have been shunned when they found out how we met (and we probably would have been “asked” to leave, or at least talked about behind our backs).
Much to our surprise, my husband gets an email from the guy and they end up coming to church the next Sunday! Then they asked us to go bowling that evening. We brought our kids with us and had a great time (and they don’t even have kids).
Then, we didn’t hear from them the rest of the week.
But, we were again surprised when they showed up the next Sunday at church. Then they came and hung out at our house (with us and all of our kids) the whole evening! They have even come to church every Sunday since then. Our God is so amazing that He can even use an Ultimate Fighting Championship!
Just this past Saturday night, there was another UFC fight. And guess what? Yep. They went with us. And it was even more amazing this time. There was another big game, so we had to go even earlier this time. The girl picked me up and we went to save a table until our guys could get there. So I had almost two hours with this girl completely to myself. She talked about struggles growing up and her experiences with church. I was able to share with her about my relationship with God and how it is about so much more than just religion or going to church, but that we can personally know God. It was awesome! And as a bonus, the pastor and his wife joined us for the fights!!! If it hadn’t been for UFC, I might never have had the opportunity to talk to this girl.
So, what’s the point of this story? You should watch UFC. Just kidding. The point is that God wants us to tell people about Him. Not just middle-class white people that dress nicely and have nice homes and cars. God has a heart for everyone. Whether they are a UFC fan, a tattooed Harley rider, or even someone addicted to drugs or pornography, God loves them all and we should as well. Let us never forget His purpose for us – to share God’s love with the lost and hurting, wherever they may be.

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